Friday, July 11, 2008


This year, the Crop-Over route will be split into two different ones for Kadooment Day (Carnival Monday). As the festival continues to grow in size, the need for additional space and crowd control is greatly needed. The debate however is whether or not the masqueraders will look kindly upon this as the band leaders will only divulge their choosen route on Kadooment morning.

The first route is the traditional one that exits the National Stadium and turns right going toward the Y junction at Combermere School and left towards Waterford junction, then turn right down Station Hill, to the stop lights at Eastmond Corner, right at Bank Hall Cross Road, onto Black Rock, then Brighton continuing unto Carlton and left onto Spring Garden Highway.

Wayne Simmons, corporate communications specialist of the National Cultural Foundation, said "the second route would see the costumed revellers turning right at the Y junction at Combermere, going along Bush Hall Main Road passing in front of Howard's Supermarket, going along Bank Hall Main Road where they would meet the other bands."

The new proposed route is definately shorter than the traditional one and some masqueraders may either be upset or happy depending on their preference.

The police have also raised some concerns with the new route because this would mean having to deploy limited resources to ensure the safety of the increased numbers on the road.

Some band leaders are however open minded and would like to see the idea given a chance before it is critiqued.

Only time will tell.

See link below for full story:

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